Ban wHitE giRL mOb

It's 2011 and we remain to see racism and sterotypes, as well as generalizations of entire cultures & ethnicities in mass multimedia...we finally got a Black President, Martin Luther King Junior got his monument on The Washington Mall (August 28, 2011-the same day Emmitt Till was brutally & wrongfully murdered 56 years ago and the same day MLK Jr. gave his 'I have A Dream' Speech in 1963)... During this same season we are being subjected to and expected to be tolerant of a rap group composed of caucasian females which have named themselves "wHitE giRL mOb" whom use the word n*gg* frequently and comfortably and are on the defense to any one who questions their poor choice of lyrics. I am requesting that you sign this petition if you are in support of banning this group and their music