Ban all animal traps, snares and holds from portugal today!
christina hinchin 0

Ban all animal traps, snares and holds from portugal today!

55 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
christina hinchin 0 Comments
55 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is against the usage of animal traps and baiting in Portugal. Over 60countries have banned the Leg-hold trap, a device used to capture wild animals to either be used for the fur-trade or for personal use, portugal included. Yet only 16 in the entire world have banned ALL traps from usage, this is not including the E.U nor the USA. The cruelty and suffering these animals enduring is horrific, they can be left for days on end with limbs trapped in the snares or Body-traps, peircing the skin and causing great agony. Some resort to chewing their own limbs off in a final act of desperation. This must be stopped. There is no excuse for this type of cruelty to go on. By signing this petition you will be insuring the safety of countless widlife here in portugal. We hope to send this petition by the end of May, and we will be sending it to the local authorities and the representers of animal rights. You only need to sign to stop the ongoing madness that happens everyday here. Esta peti


This petition is sponsered by \'Fur-fighters\' a group of animal rights protectors out to ensure the safety of all creatures. You may find out more at this address:

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