Ban Bottled Water at University of California Santa Cruz
WE, the students of University of California Santa Cruz recognize water as a human right and oppose the bottled water industry--which costs the UC system more than $2 million annually according to New York Times, and;
WHEREAS, Bottled water challenges public faith in tap water despite Santa Cruz having a high quality public drinking water system, and;
WHEREAS, Bottled water also creates excessive amounts of waste on our campus. 9 out of 10 plastic water bottles end up in the landfill; that is 30 million discarded plastic bottles each day, and,
WHEREAS, Large amounts of energy is consumed in manufacture, transportation, and recycling of the bottles; one plastic water bottle costs 1000 times more than filling up a reusable bottle with tap water;
THEREFORE,the undersignedimplore the Regents of the University of California to implement a bottled water ban that includes:
1) A ban on the purchase and sale of bottled water on campus.
2) A commitment to continue providing access to public drinking water on campus—increase reusable water bottles and use campus drinking fountains.