This petition is to ban USED personal single user breast pumps from being sold on eBay. I wanted to get more people signing this mom\'s petition:
( while also starting my own.
Many breastfeeding mothers need breast pumps in order to establish or maintain a milk supply.
Sadly many mothers cannot afford a brand-new breast pump or cannot find one locally. They will often find a USED personal breast pump on eBay, an online shopping and auction website, not knowing it is not safe.
While hospital grade multi-user breast pumps can be safe for use by more than one mom, \"personal use\" or \"pre-owned\" or \"single user\" breast pumps can be dangerous to use. Buying used breast pumps on eBay is hazardous and detrimental to breastfeeding mothers and babies.
From the FDA Website:
\"Should I Buy a Used Breast Pump or Share a Breast Pump
You should never buy a used breast pump or share a breast pump.
Only FDA cleared, hospital-grade pumps should be used by more than one person. With the exception of hospital-grade pumps, the FDA considers breast pumps single-use devices. That means that a breast pump should only be used by one woman because there is no way to guarantee the pump can be cleaned and disinfected between uses by different women.
The money you may save by buying a used pump is not worth the health risks to you or your baby. Breast pumps that are reused by different mothers can carry infectious diseases, such as HIV or hepatitis.
Buying a used breast pump or sharing a breast pump may be a violation of the manufacturer
I am Nicole Hoff, a mother of 2 who has breast-fed and pumped for my sons. I am a soon to be graduate of Union Institute and University with a degree in Maternal and Child Health, with an emphasis on lactation. I am a Certified Lactation Counselor as well as a doula birth partner and childbirth educator. I have no financial interest in any breast pump company or any breastfeeding organizations. Contact me at,
One moms original used breast pump petition, she motivated me to create mine! Together I hope we get thousands of signatures.
What are breast pumps
Medela, a breast pump company, their view
Ameda, a breast pump company, where is their statement
From Bailey Medical Engineering\'s Website
Used Breast Pump article
Consumer Reports. \"What Not to Buy-Used personal use breast pumps\" April 2007
Ebay review on used breast pumps
Used Breast Pump article
Breastfeeding Info.
Breast Pumping info.
Used Breast Pump article
FDA Breast pump articles
Ebay Banned Items
Ebay contact info to report problem
Studies that may interest you:
\"Breast Pump Adverse Events: Reports to the Food and Drug Administration\" S. Lori Brown, Roselie A. Bright, Diane E. Dwyer and Betsy Foxman . DOI: 10.1177/0890334405275445 2005; 21; 169 J Hum Lact
\"Contamination of breast milk obtained by manual expression and breast pumps in mothers of very low birthweight infants. \"
Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 49, Issue 4, Pages 274-281
\"Preventing Contamination of Breast Pump Kit Attachments in the NICU.\"Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. 17(2):150-157, April/June 2003.D\'Amico, Christine J. RN, MSN, CRNP; DiNardo, Cheryl A. RN, BSN, CRNP, IBCLC; Krystofiak, Sharon MS
Becker GE, Renfrew MJ. \"Methods of milk expression for lactating women. (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006\", Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006170. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006170.
Please email me with more studies that you may find: