Ban Pati Patni Aur Woh on NDTV IMAGINE.
This is in due regarding the show "pati patni aur woh" which is going to be aired on NDTV imagine.As seen in the promos , the viewers can see mishandling of babies.Such a show shouldn't come into baby exploitation, any law in the world,.No it is not a law , its a law breaking rule.How can the creators even think of this idea.This idea is adopted from the show "baby borrowers".There the show is popular, but in India, this show cannot be popular. Hence there is a request to the court and higher officials to stop the show from being aired.Please look into my suggestion.This is in behalf of all people who supported me and gave me that confidence that I can do a part of my contribution to India.As being an young Indian , I thereby go AGAINST the format of the show, and strongly and firmly say the show should be banned.As a yound indian I put down my views on this law breaking show.