Ban Plastic Bags in San Jose Stores

Hey Guys and Girls, Here is a petition I'm starting concerning banning plastic bags in San Jose stores to help our environment. As all of you know our environment isn't at its best and one way to help fix our environment is by banning plastic bags. If you did not know, plastic bags are very harmful to our environment because it is not biodegradable, which makes it hard to recycle and to reuse. When plastic bags are thrown away, they go to land fill wastes. When it rains, soil that its thrown on doesn't get the nutrients it needs and causes erosion of soil. Now that may not sound so bad because its a landfill waste, but when an erosion of soil happens, it affects plants and animals near by either causing death or washing off the nutrients we find in vegetables. On top of all that, when manufacturing plastic bags, they mix chemicals which also hurt the environment because the bad gases that are created are released into the air we breathe. Along with that, chemicals that are dumped in local ponds or streams causes problems for everything near it including humans. Please help out by signing this petition to make an effort to helping our environment that we live in. The better environment we have, the farther we stay away from global warming. We need to realize that we are causing our downfall and if we don't do everything or anything we can to help the environment, it will be too late. This is just one effort out of millions that will help prevent global warming. Hopefully this will influence other cities and maybe states in the U.S. then just San Francisco in california. Thank you.