Banned Pico Ameba Hacker User Computer
hannah martin 0

Banned Pico Ameba Hacker User Computer

37 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
hannah martin 0 Comments
37 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I have recently been hacked, and so did my pico ameba friends. We are sick of not being able to get our stuff and money back! We want refunds and the hackers be gone. We want all hacking machines/devices banned. Pico Ameba need to step their game up to stop hacking from taking place. A definition of a hacker=loser with no life. Hackers likes to waste people money and use it for them. They think their lives are all so miserable and so they go out to make other people like them. Such idiots, such clueless idiots. These so called, "Hackers" needs to die and be thrown in jail for their crime. HACKING is a crime people!! ANY TYPE of Hacking is a crime. We want to stop all sorts of HACKERS.Game hackers, viruses, computer hackers. THEY ALL HAVE NO LIFE!!!!! So people. If you are a hacker and reading this, good luck with your dumb trashy life. You will get nowhere in life. Betchu so lonely in life that you'll be forever single. By signing this petition we all agree to stop hacking and we all want Pico to step up their game.We all agree that we want all of the hacker's computer/devices or anything they use to hack us BANNED! We all agree that what I have said above are what you are thinking.!! So what now? SIGN THE PETITION!!!Tell as many people as you can about this petition.

Our target is 500!! When we get to 500, we will send this petition to PICO!!!
To see the damages caused by hacking, click on BLOG then click on MORE!


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