Ban the Sale And Installation of Lead Wheel Weights

To: Lisa Jackson, Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania, NW Washington, D.C. Dear US EPA Administrator Jackson, Thank you for your endorsement and implementation of the National Lead Free Wheel Weight Initiative (NLFWWI). We applaud you for taking the first significant step towards phasing out the sale and installation of lead wheel weights with your national endorsement of the NLFWWI. This will help initiate the cleaning up lead wheel weights from our nation's roadways and phase in environmentally lead free wheel weight alternatives. This is an important decision that will affect the lives of millions of Americans who are exposed to increased lead contamination from the accidental deposition of lead wheel weights on our nation's roadways. Phasing out lead wheel weights will also go a long way toward cleaning up our water bodies and roadways, making water safer to drink and air safer to breathe. It is important that we make sure that the water we drink and the air we breathe is free of lead. I sincerely hope that you and the EPA will stand strong behind these standards which, at long last, will bring the last unregulated source of lead contamination under control. Recently, the University of Iowa Hygienic Lab testing of Lead wheel weights has produced credible, astonishing and eye opening results concerning the major hazards of lead wheel weights. (http://www.leadzero.org ) Because there is no safe level of lead, your further support to ban the sale and installation of lead wheel weights would greatly help decrease wheel weight lead from entering our environment. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue, and keep up the good work!!