Ban lDevilsHeart of Khani & RyansFury of Broa!
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This petition is to ban or suspend "lDevilsHeart" of Khaini and "RyansFury" of Broa. He has been trade hacking the MapleStory world. He admits he was trade hacking users, but says that it will benefit the community, because he is only hacking scammers. However, he SHOULD be banned either way. First of all, in NEXON's ToS (Terms of Statement) it states that the illegal use of hacking, botting, and/or third party programs are ILLEGAL. lDevilsHeart and RyansFury are breaking the ToS, which should result in a ban. NEXON, if you need screenshots, please feel free to contact me in reply of this message. Thank you for your cooperation and have a wonderful day.