Ban Gabi & Cris!
Dear United Kingdom Chatterbox mods and administrators,
We, the members of UKCB, believe that the chatters Gabi (starpill_) & Cris (cristina_lus), collectively known as "The Romanian Sluts," should be banned from UKCB.
We believe they should be banned, not because we have something personal against them, we don't. In fact, most of us like them, and a few may even be obsessed with them.
We believe they should be banned because they have a very severe chat addiction, an addiction which is clearly ruining their lives.
Cris' chat addiction has cost her a boyfriend, Kebaboy, and Gabi's addiction has led to a weight gain in excess of 100 pounds (7+ stones).
Both are unemployed and live off of begging and stealing, traits they learned from their gypsy childhoods.
We deeply care about Gabi & Cris and we want them─need them─to get help before it's too late. The first step to them seeking the help they so badly need is to make it so they can no longer log into UKCB.
UKCB mods and admins: You are their only hope. Please show us you have a heart. Please save them. Please ban them.
Love, UKCB chatters