Ban The Fakes From Gossip!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Dear Gossip Administrator,
We, the people of Gossip, would like for you to ban all of the fakes posting at Gossip.
These people (if they can be called that) are ruining the Gossip experience. They exist for one, singular purpose: To troll. They're there, not to enhance the Gossip experience, but to hinder it. They insult and belittle others for their own amusement, and worst of all, they bore us with talk of their daily gym workouts and meals. Gossip deserves better, and quite frankly, your hard work in creating and running Gossip deserves a better payoff.
A small, incomplete listing of those trolls who deserve deleted are:
izabeth666 (Isaac)
leon90 through leon999999 (Leon)
drooly_something (can't bother looking it up right now)
...and others.
Thank you for your time, and thank you in advance for taking action against these Internet terrorists.
Love, your friend, MrAmericaReturns.