Ban Styrofoam (polystyrene) in Albany County

We, the undersigned residents of Albany County, support the expansion of the ban on Styrofoam (polystyrene) for commercial establishments that sell take-out food and drinks in Albany County. The current ban covers establishments with 15 or more locations. An expanded ban would cover all establishments that sell take-out food and drinks. This law will save valuable landfill space, safeguard our health, reduce the spread of toxins to our waterways and food chain and reduce our use of fossil fuels.
On 9/12/18, the Albany County Executive signed the bill into law and then added an executive order to even expand our initiative. He acknowledged that this would not have happened without grassroots support. The newsletter News from the Neighborhood will keep you updated on our next effort--banning the use plastic shopping bags. Thank you for caring about the environment, about our future.
More info.: tick.paul@gmail.comClick here for a fact sheet: http://www.cleanwater.org/files/publications/ca/cwa_fact_sheet_polystyrene_litter_2011_03.pdf