Ban Speed Cameras in NYC
Motorists are victimized and ticketed by speed cameras based on unfair speed limits on NYC roads.
am writing to ask you to get rid of NYC default speed limit of 25 mph
and end the use of photo enforcement speed and red light cameras.Both
types of ticket cameras require deliberately improper traffic safety
engineering parameters to be profitable,using less-safe
artificially-low speed limits and yellow intervals on the lights that
are too short for the actual approach speeds.
If we end the
use of photo enforcement we can cut down on the number of unfair tickets
motorists receive and cut traveling time for every New Yorker.The
goal should be to make the streets safer for everyone not to extort
revenue from motorists through deliberately improper and unsafe traffic
Research shows that driving at unsafe slow
speeds is a public health crisis,and raising the speed limit based on
the 85th percentile can reduce the frequency and severity of traffic
crashes.Traveling at slow speeds produces road rage in NYC.
The artificially low 25 mph speed limit
will produce more jay walkers causing pedestrians to be more likely
struck by drivers because of deliberately improper traffic safety
Please review the 25 mph speed limit and the impact it has on everyone's life in NYC.The 25 mph speed limit represents an unfair tax on all drivers.In a city known
for it's fast pace,slowing everyone down causes frustration which
makes the streets dangerous for everyone.We need reasonable speed
limits in NYC.The best way to set reasonable speed limits is to measure
the 85th percentile at which traffic flows.Artificially low
speed limits reduce safety by causing more speed variance,more
tailgating,more passing,more lane changes,more conflicts between
vehicles,untrue information on travel speeds for pedestrians
&cyclists,and a generally less smooth and less safe traffic flow.