Ban Smoking in Chesterton Bars, Restaurants, and Workplaces

Smoking is damaging to the health of smokers and non-smokers alike. Indiana is the ONLY remaining state in the Midwest NOT to enact a 100% smoke free workplace, restaurant, and bar law. Numerous citizens, smokers and non-smokers, have complained about the smoke in establishments in the town of Chesterton. The rights of citizens to clean air has been taken away by allowing smoking in these places. The only way to choose not to breathe this pollution is to not patronize these places and instead go to smoke free Valparaiso with our dollars. It is not the right of the business owners to decide what kind of air we breathe, it is the duty of our local community government. Help us help ourselves by demanding clean air in the the restaurants, bars, and workplaces of Chesterton. Let's join the thousands of other cities who have had positive economic, tourist, and health outcomes due to smoke-free laws. Please sign this petition we can present to the Town of Chesterton to show how many citizens would like to see Chesterton be smoke free! *** PLEASE only sign if you are from or patronize Chesterton frequently!
Also "Like" Citizens for Smoke Free Chesterton on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Citizens-for-a-Smoke-Free-Chesterton/303394226348343?sk=wall