Ban Single-Use Water Bottles from UNCW.

We the students, faculty and staff of UNCW petition to ban the sale of single-use bottled water on our college campus. Single use plastic water bottles are contributing to environmental degradation, have been proven to be one of the leading factors to plastic marine debris, are a corporate control of a basic human need and an economic exploitation of students, faculty and staff. Given UNCW's prominence as one of the world's leading Marine Biology programs, our proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, it is only natural for the university to take a more proactive stance towards the elimination of single use plastics. By signing below we are asking for UNCW to provide more environmentally and economically friendly means of drinking water on campus through: banning the sale of single use water bottles, increasing the sale of reusable water bottles, providing incentives to promote the use of reusable bottles, and by increasing the proliferation of water fountains with refill stations on campus. We encourage the SGA and chancellor's cabinet to re-evaluate the university's policies concerning the sale of single use water bottles on campus and implement and enforce contractual obligations with vendors and service providers that would eliminate single use plastic water bottles and single use plastic bags on the UNCW campus.