Ban Shark Fins and Shark Fin Soup in the Region of Peel
A. Douglas McCulloch 0

Ban Shark Fins and Shark Fin Soup in the Region of Peel

52 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
A. Douglas McCulloch 0 Comments
52 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Target: Mayors Marolyn Morrison, Susan Fennell , Hazel McCallion and the Region of Peel Council.

 Sponsored by: United Conservationists, Shark Angels, Fin Free


United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and is contrary to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's International Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks  – Shark or Elasmobranch Fins – Prohibition on Possession or Distribution


The continuing practice of shark finning, which is the inhumane practice of removing the fins and discarding the remainder of the shark back into the sea (while the animal is alive), is having a devastating effect on shark species around the world.


• The practice of shark finning results in an estimated 73 - 100 million sharks a year being killed for their fins alone and that over one-third of all shark species are threatened with extinction as a result of the illegal shark finning.


• Apex predators such as sharks play a critical role in maintaining healthy, balanced ecosystems; something that is necessary for the long term survival of our own species.


• Shark fins have no significant nutritional value and are considered unhealthy for human consumption due to the accumulation of high levels of mercury and other contaminants found in the sharks’ flesh.


• Measures must be taken to stop the global practice of shark finning and to ensure the responsible conservation and management of sharks.


THEREFORE, we the undersigned call upon Mayors Marolyn Morrison, Susan Fennell , Hazel McCallion and Council to ban the possession, sale, offer for sale, trade, consumption and distribute of shark fins in the Region of Peel.


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