Ban Benjamin Montgomery Robinson from ever serving as a police officer again!

We, the undersigned, are disgusted and revolted by the conduct and role of Benjamin Montgomery Robinson in the deaths of Robert Dzeikanski and Orion Hutchinson. In both cases, Robinson lied and obstructed the investigation into his wrongdoing and has denied any responsibility for his actions. In addition, his responsibility to Canada and her citizens does not cease when off-duty; his abrogation of these responsibilities as a first responder leaving Orion to die while he left to consume more alcohol is reprehensible. The disgrace he brought to the RCMP and law enforcement must end. He must be permanently banned from ever holding any law enforcement position anywhere in Canada for the remainder of his life, much as you would ban a serial child molester from ever working in a daycare. We ask that Bob Paulson, Commissioner of the RCMP, take every measure necessary to ensure Benjamin Montgomery Robinson never serves another day ever as a police officer.