Ban Maxidol Commercial
Melody Wall 0

Ban Maxidol Commercial

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Melody Wall 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Calling on all Women and Men for that fact who are OFFENDED by the new Maxidol Commercial that portrays a woman skipping out of work to go shopping because she has her period. My research shows men are enraged because they believe women really abuse their gender and use our period as an excuse to skip out of work. MEN we DON't so please support our casue and sign the petition. Women are enraged for an abundance of reasons. One person says she suffers from endrometriosis and feels mocked by the ad. Most women find the commercial to be SEXIST, it implies women are unreliable, abusers of our gender, and that we use our period so we can lie and scam our way out of work! It also implies we are inferior and incapable of getting our job done because we have a menstrual cyclel, etc, etc. The Maxidol commercial would also imply that women are not capable of getting promotions or taking on a senior level role in the workforce, because that would be impossible if you missed work every month because you had your period!!! This commercial is offensive and sexist beyond words!!! I have seen a few sexist comments from men popping up on the internet regarding this commercial and women being called degrading names because of this broadcast that women are unreliable due to their period. One man referred to a woman as a hoe in a driving incident and referred to the Maxidol commercial saying that women are unreliable once per month.... Please have this commercial banned by signing this petition. Don't let this SEXIST MAxidol Commercial turn back the hands of time!!

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