Ban Lion Meat Consumption
This petition is for our youth to express that we would not try nor stand for these , Lion tacos, and sign against the legality of it. We can make the difference for these lions. Who aren't even protected by the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, which means it isn't illegal to slaughter them and cause pain to the conscious animal. The diets and drug use of the lions aren't regulated for human consumption. Lions already suffer from major population decline and habitat loss. But they are only considered vulnerable not endangered as a species. Carnivores meat is not healthy either. There was a pub in Philadelphia, a grill in Sacramento Calif, and a bistro in Mesa Ariz. But don't think its too far away from here to matter because right in small South Tampa is a taco diner that sells lion meat. It is called Taco Fusion, they took it off of their menu but then returned it. Taco Fusions staff said, If your mad now, wait to see what we do next. Thats terrifying if you ask me. So lets get as many names for these animals as we can, so our children can see them in person and not just in videos or in books.