Charlie Parker 0

Ban Homework From Schools

78 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Charlie Parker 0 Comments
78 people have signed. Add your voice!
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It has been proven that modern day high school students have the same stress levels as an asylum patient from the early 1900's, and most of that stress is caused by homework. Teachers give due dates that are sometimes impossible to meet, and maybe the teachers don't think so, but they are the ones who have been studying what they teach for longer than high school students have been alive, so of course it would be a due date they could easily meet. We are not teachers, we haven't been studying English, Chemistry, Geometry, etc for 20+ years. What helps feed into the stress is the mounds of homework we get at a time. One weekend, I had a huge English assignment, a huge Geometry assignment, a huge Biology assignment and a big history test to study for. I had no time to do hardly any of the assignments and only my English assignment was completed because teachers don't realize that students do actually have lives outside the classroom. Homework is not good for us. It causes mental breakdowns, helps feed into depression when a student doesn't understand and begins to feel stupid, feeds into anxiety and so many more things. Other states and countries have banned homework and have seen a very significant difference in their students' academic success. Banning homework from out schools would make students lives much easier. We are the future, don't drive us all mad with impossible assignments. You'll just be screwing yourselves over.

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