Ban Future and Lil Wayne's karate chop song!!!!!!!
This song is extremely disrespectful to the entire black community. In the song Lil Wayne says "He wants to beat the p**** like Emmett Till. Emmett Till's family is not pleased with this comment along with other prominent African Americans such as Stevie Wonder. This song sends the wrong message to the public especially our children. Little kids have access to this song and they are extremely impressionable. I do not support negative or joking comments of the Emmett Till story because he was brutally murdered, and neither should you. He was beaten so bad that his face was unrecognizable to his own mother. She left his casket open at his funeral to show the world that racism is disgusting and needs to stop. In support of his family I think we should not allow this song in the public because as African Americans we should not support ignorance of this magnitude. We should be taking pride is our history and educating each other on how we can move forward. Here is a quote from the founder of the Blacks in Wax Museum Dr Elmer Martin: We did not die by the millions to kill each other by the thousands. This music is killing our people, most importantly our youth. Please support me in getting this song removed. Thank you.