Ban Unbalanced (Fail) Platoons in World of Tanks: Blitz

WarGaming (WG) currently do not believe that ‘unbalanced platoons’ (known colloquially as ‘fail platoons’) do not contravene the game rules in World of Tanks: Blitz (WoTB). As such, any service tickets raised against players who participate in this anti-competitive behavior will not face disciplinary action by WG staff.
I have refuted their position by pointing to existing rules:
3.1. When using the Game, game chat, and game channels, you must not do anything that would generally be considered to be offensive, annoying, or otherwise inappropriate for the Game.
Unbalanced platoons annoy players who do the right thing. This isn't a gray area. If it annoys a fair and reasonable person, this rule should be enforced.
3.2 attempting to cheat or deliberately hinder any activity in the Game;
An unbalanced platoon affects the game. It is uncompetitive for a Tier I to enter a Tier X battle; it could also be viewed as pacifistic behavior toward the enemy. It is a deliberate hindrance.
WG still have rules pertaining to Team Kill, but this no longer exists. The rules should be a living document, one that evolves with the game. They have released five updates to the game, but none to the rules. Fail platoons, along with match making are clear issues amongst WoTB players.
WG state:
“We believe those players playing in unbalance platoon will find out they will not benefit from this attempt.And soon they will give up to platoon with such unbalance tank tier. Our system are still making a balanced team for each side. For this game the balance are still fair enough and your team are even taking more advantages in this battle with one more battle tiers distributed.” -Shin Asuka, World of Tanks ASIA Service (17/12/2014)
To interpret and paraphrase, what they are saying is that players who do this, will eventually see the error of their ways, and conform to the norms of the game. WG don’t apply this logic to any other aspect of WoTB.
If you wish to see Fail Platoons banned, please sign the petition. Also re-post the link in the other regions forums and share with fellow players who may not frequent the forums as this flaw in the game applies to all WoTB players.
WoTB Asia Server