Ban 'bullying' websites, like: Spillit + Formspring
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Who would ask someone face to face: 'Tell me your honest opinion of me'? Just to then regret asking the question when they don't get the answer they are hoping for? Who would go face to face to someone and tell them: 'I'm allowing you to ask me any question at all, any you can think of'? For them to only regret that also, when they get a horrible mean question?
Spillit and Formspring are websites which are open for cyberbullying. These harmful websites allow users to post anonymous opinions and questions about their registered users. Everyday many people are signing up to these websites, without realising they are basically opening the door for bullies to enter their lives. They then go on to regret ever registering.
This petition is in aid of closing down these websites. These websites can actually lead to suicide, and, sadly...if we don't fight for our right to close these websites, suicide can continue unfortunately.
Let's face it...we can not stop the bullies, change their attitude. But we can fight for equality, and let our voice be heard, as together, we can close these websites!
So sign the petition and let your voice be heard!