Ban Brandon Cyrus

Why am I attacking Mr.Brandon Cyrus? 1.) WE DID NOT LIKE HIS PAGE, NOR CAN WE BLOCK IT! It spams our newsfeed no matter what! The logic also works both ways. If you don't like what WE'RE saying, why don't YOU, block, US? 2.) We're not jealous because he's hot or gets more girls or anything. If that were the case, we'd spam Brad Pitt or someone else. Besides, quality, not quantity. 3.) He steals pictures that you can find after 5 seconds of searching on Tumblr. 4.) He exploits the sick and such, just to get likes on Facebook. 5.) He has a girlfriend, yet posts a status asking 330,000 girls to text him. After making a status that says "In a relation means back off". Which will add to number 6 and 7. 6.) He has a girlfriend, yet sells bracelets that say "Brandon Cyrus, be my boyfriend ♥" 7.) In a relationship means back off? No. It means in a relationship. You're telling these girls it's okay to shut out the outside world, which is the WORST thing for a relationship. 8.) He posts that every girl is beautiful, but then says anyone that messages him will get a rating 1-10. 9.) He posts that all girls are beautiful, then posts a picture of a dolphin calling a bigger sized girl a whale. All girls are beautiful, unless they're big apparently! 10.) He said "I'll only text the cute ones" after asking all these girls for their numbers.