Ban Bill Belichick From The NFL For Life!

Enough is enough. The NFL needs to ban Bill Belichick for life from the NFL. He is disgracing the integrity of the league. Spying on teams, deflating footballs, deception and multiple accusations from other coaches and players of the opposition. Forget fining him or taking away draft picks, that is a joke for the team's owner and billionaire Bob Kraft. So they pay a meaningless fine and lose a draft pick, and in return win a championship. Not a bad investment. Belichick has long been known as a cheater... just ask any number of teams around the league. The NFL must shown fans the league will not tolerate cheating. Belichick has been for cheating for years. The NFL needs to ban him for life to show they will no longer tolerate cheating. After the off field troubles of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, this is an opportunity for the NFL to do what is right! Major League Baseball (MLB) banned Pete Rose for life, and has more hits than anybody in history! Rose did not cheat... yet he's banned for betting on his own team. Nothing in sports is worst than cheating - - nothing! Belichick is a cheater!! Please sign the Petition to Ban Bill Belichick for life from the NFL!