Ballyshannon Middle School

The residents of The French Quarter and Orleans North propose that we be included in the redistricting of the new Ballyshannon Middle School. We live in a community that was built with walking trails and the vision was to have a community where the children can walk to school. There are other neighborhoods in Boone County that have trails to their schools where the children can walk. Our elementary kids will be the only kids not following their peers to middle school and then to Cooper.
I'd also like to include the cost savings in bussing our neighborhood 10+ minutes down the road to OMS, when you have in your proposed maps bussing kids 10+ minutes away to the new middle school. We as a tax paying neighborhood have a right to send our kids to the school closest to our homes. It is more convenient for parents who may have to drive their child to school or pick up a sick child or even getting a child to Cooper for after school sports. I know CEMS offers bus service to Cooper for sports but OMS does not. Players are late for practices because of this. Please reconsider the lines and include The French Quarter and Orleans North.
Thank you,
Residents of The French Quarter and Orleans North