Baldwin Union Free District - We Want Answers regarding Schubert Elementary Building

YALE Elementary School in an independent private school for grades Pre-K to 1st Grade. YALE elementary entered into a lease with Baldwin Union Free School District in the Fall 2014.
At a recent Board of Education meeting, the Uniondale District would be starting a Pre-K program to its residents in Fall 2015. They also mentioned that one of the options as to where to house this program is at Schubert Elementary in Baldwin, NY.As you may understand, this news was quite disturbing to YALE Elementary parents. If Uniondale houses their Pre-K program in the Schubert building, what does that mean for YALE Elementary? We’ve been advised that YALE administration was unaware of this news until it was publicly announced at the Uniondale meeting. We need answers. We ask that you inform us, the parents, as well as the YALE administrators with detailed information as to your intentions of the Schubert building in Fall 2015. It is our understanding that YALE signed a three-year lease with Baldwin, so this is quite puzzling.
YALE is the home for many of our children, which are YALE students. The administrators and teachers are dedicated to providing our children the education that we want to invest in. We are simply asking that you provide us with your intentions so that the necessary adjustments can be made.