Justice For Baby Peter
I am asking Fellow Citizens Of The United States Of America To Boycott Tourism To The UK/London England. Baby Peter Connoley was a 17 month old little boy who's Mother,Stepfather,And lodger Jason Owen Barker Murder and Tortured for months resulting in his death on Aug 3,2007 Baroness Scotland Attorney General Of North London has denied a review for Baby Peters case claiming that the sentence was not unduly lenient. Tracey Connoley comes up for parole in 2012 only 3 short years after Peters death. Stephen Barker 12 years comes up for parole in 2017 his sentence includes his conviction of the rape of a 2 year old girl as well.Jason Owen Barker recieved the minimum sentence of 3 years but as of Oct 27,2009 he won his appeal and can be released as soon as August 2011. This is ludacris. They are also considering giving them new identities due to the nature of their crimes which will cost 1 million dollars a year to keep police protection and move the convicts to another place fearing some in the public will harrass and kill them. Honestly do you want your hard earned money going to convicts show them Americans will not stand for Child Abuse. Let's show North London we will not vacation or spend our money to protect child murdering torturers who deserve to be in prison. Sign my petition maybe this will help bring justice for heaven's angel Peter Connoley.