Katy Walker 0

Help Baby Cole And His Friends Keep Their Garden As They Are!

267 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Katy Walker 0 Comments
267 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Please sign and help my Baby Cole James Walker and his angel friends to have the garden they deserve! I have recieved a letter from my local council today telling me to remove my sons kerb edging from his "garden" They have also asked me to remove his staked vase due to trip hazards. I am a mummy to an angel, the only thing I can do is to make his garden nice and give him fresh flowers. I can't do the normal things a mummy can do, kisses, cuddles etc. They have siad that I have to remove them within two weeks or they will remove them. The council have also said that I can pay for a kerb surround from a stone mason. Surley if i do this then a trip hazard can still occur? Why do they want to walk on my son's grave anyway? I have met many angel mummy's and dadd'y's and another one's been asked to do the same. Please sign so Cole and his angel friends can have the gardens they deserve. Katy xxx


My Friend Cheryl's daugther Sienna - mae is also a victim of Doncaster Councils campaign, she's been asked to remove items too!  We need you to sign xx


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