B5 and Tyra

alright...for a while the Hydrolics Atl B5 street team has tried to get b5 on thr tyra banks show...they've started a petition on their youtube channel which i will give the like to you later...so far on the youtube petition we have 2,867 views on the video, 254 comments, and over 1,000 signatures...therefore we're moving along very well.Anyway...like i said this petition is to get b5 on the Tyra Banks show so that means we need ALOT of signatures to get Tyra's attention so make sure you sign and get all your friend's friends and there families to sign as well Links: The Teams website www.atlb5streetteam.webs.com The Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ATLB5StreetTeam Youtube Petition http://www.youtube.com/watchv=3OXpafWXURY Thanx alot for everything and we appreciate your support The Hydrolics Atl B5 Street tem