AVON,Don\'t take away our downline !!
alicia Pelletier 0

AVON,Don\'t take away our downline !!

65 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
alicia Pelletier 0 Comments
65 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The present AVON leadership program is set up for representatives to fail. A representative is given 13 campaigns, or 6 1/2 months to get a business up and running and at a certain sales level or it is taken away . The representative then has to start all over. AVON touts itself as the company for women. However, instead of standing behind all their hard work, AVON punishes its leaders by taking away their downline. All that hard work, GONE! If you would like to see the leadership program changed and be rewarded for your hard work, please sign this petition.I would think that withholding a commission check because certain sales levels were not reached would be motivation enough to spur representatives to work harder. Making them start over is disheartening and NOT motivational at all. Just the opposite. This petition will be forwarded at the end of June to Andrea Jung and Andrea Slater. Let\'s make a difference!!


I am an Avon representative in the leadership program who just had my downline taken away. My DL is still contacting me for information and guidance but someone else is reaping the benefits. I love AVON and want to make money at it but it is very frustrating to find all your hard work gone in an instant. The economy is very tough right now and that should be taken into consideration.
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