Joel Tressler 0


50 signers. Add your name now!
Joel Tressler 0 Comments
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(only Avondale Swin & Tennis Club members are eligible to participate)

July 1, 2021

On behalf of the following Avondale Swim & Tennis Club members who have signed this petition, we would like to highlight the inequities of services provided to the pool, the picnic area, and the lawn vs. the services provided to the tennis portion of the club.

Our goal is simply to bring the tennis courts and adjacent areas up to the level of the rest of the club. Most of us play league tennis and see well-maintained courts around the city. Ours falls short of most other courts while the pool and surrounding areas continue to be well cared for.

  1. PRESSURE WASHING The newly resurfaced courts should have an annual cleaning by a licensed & insured pressure washing company. This will minimize staining and reduce the risk of injury due to slick organic growth while keeping the esthetics in line with the rest of the facility.
  2. WINDSCREENS The windscreens need replacement. They are dry-rotted and beginning to tear in numerous spots. There should be a budget allocation to replace these approximately every eight to 10 years. Additionally, like the rest of the club, these screens should be pressure washed annually as a maintenance routine.
  3. DEBRIS Leaves, pine straw, and other natural debris collect on the courts. The same care given to the pool deck should be given to the tennis courts. There are a number of players who bring their own blowers to make sure they have a safe surface to play on. We don’t see swim members bringing their blowers to take care of the pool deck. Like the rest of the club, the courts should be blown off daily.
  4. LANDSCAPE MAINTAINANCE Kudzu has killed several trees planted at the club’s expense. We’re about to lose another that is being choked out by Kudzu. It seems only prudent to maintain and control the invasive plants. Vines and branches growing over the tennis fencing should be regularly trimmed. Additionally, the walkway along the city courts should be maintained to allow safe passage to the club courts. There are a number of plants that need pruning to make this walkway safe for members and guests. The left and right steps to the courts need to be maintained. They are overgrown and pose a safety issue for players walking to the club courts. This should be part of the club’s agreement with the landscape maintenance provider.
  5. TRASH The trash around the pool appears to be picked up daily. It only makes sense this should extend to the entire club. Historically, this has not been the case. There are discarded masks, ice cream wrappers and other trash that has been collecting for weeks. Trash regularly collects in the nooks and crannies on and around the courts. The answer is simple. Include the tennis courts and adjacent areas in the cleanup and trash pick-up that happens in all other areas of the club on a regular basis.
  6. FURNITURE There is a bar table near the pavilion that has rusted out at the point where the post meets the base. This could probably be taken to a welder for repair but for the moment, it is a safety hazard as this is very heavy and could fall on someone. This should be delt with ASAP. There is a patio umbrella laying on the concrete near the pavilion. Is this broken or should another umbrella be budgeted?
  7. COURT BENCHES The benches on the courts are too short and do not function well for tennis. If two people are sitting on the same bench and one gets up, they have a tendency to tip over. There should be a line item added to the budget for this expense. The right benches should last 20 years or more.
  8. TENNIS GATE AT THE ENTRANCE This gate simply does not function properly. It fails more times than it works. It is easy to pull on the gate which causes it to jam. Numerous members have had their fingers injured attempting to get it open. Even with the code a plastic card is sometimes required to gain entry. The locksmith did a poor job and should be asked to make it right at their own expense.
  9. BATHROOM MAINTENANCE Tennis leagues require facilities to provide bathrooms. While this is usually not a problem there have been many times during matches that they were locked. Additionally, it seems that there is no scheduled cleaning of the bathrooms between pool seasons. A cursory twice-a-month cleaning during non-pool season would be appreciated.
  10. SQUEEGEES & BROOMS These items need to be replaced as they no longer function.
  11. ACCESS TO MAINTENANCE CLOSEST Tennis captains need access to the closest to use the blower in the event of rain or potentially a functioning ball machine.

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