Avalon Heroes for Xfire!
Nils Steding 0

Avalon Heroes for Xfire!

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nils Steding 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Diese Petition soll zu einer Eingliederung von Avalon Heroes in Xfire führen, so dass Xfire das Spiel erkennen und die Ingame Stunden zählen kann. Daher möchte ich alle Xfire und Avalon Heroes Begeisterten aufrufen Ihre Stimme für diese Eingliederung zu geben. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This petition is for an inclusion of Avalon Heroes in Xfire, so that Xfire is able to recognize the game and counts the hours. Therefore i want to urge all the Xfire and Avalon Heroes enthusiastics to give up your voice for this integration.

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