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Automatic Prison Sentence in Federal Court

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First-time offenders in the Federal criminal court system with clean records, spotless work reputations, and upstanding members of their community are FORCED by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to do time in Federal prison. Their backgrounds are investigated and reported to the sentencing judge, but it has NO effect on getting a second chance for the first-time offender to seek professional help. No opportunity to get probation, no second chance, even be held in custody before trial. That is right, BEFORE trial! Inform their employer of the actions against them, even before being proven guilty. This causes the first-time offender to lose their job, and not be able to provide for their family as well as ruin their reputation, before being proven guilty. Our government takes it upon itself to intervene in matters that were being handled by the individual state. They are taking it upon its self to try and enforce laws being handled by the state rather than enforce, protect our constitutional rights. Rights that are being ignored, and abused. Be aware citizens, our government may do this to you too.

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