AUDIT the fed
Aaron Butcher 0

AUDIT the fed

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Aaron Butcher 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the people
Of the United States of America, petition a full audit of the Federal and State Government entities; for unconstitutional acts, proclamations, decrees, edicts, and mandates, usurping the Constitution of the United States of America and acting contrary to the Bill of Rights from which this country was founded. This petition is protected by the First Amendment which provides citizens the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Therefore, the petitioners request an immediate freeze to all government mandates, regulations, and directives related to the abridging of rights under the guise of protecting the public from a man made pandemic, known as COVID-19, or national security concerns related to citizens speaking out against such abridges or indoctrinations.
The United States Government, certain State Governments, and certain local governments, acting as themselves or through Non-Government Organizations, have enacted mandates, regulations, and decrees that are contrary to the First, Second, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution, by requiring experimental vaccine mandates as conditions of employment, travel, medical procedures, or access to public facilities, venues, or social gathering places, mask mandates affecting travel or admittance to facilities, various methods of indoctrination, child abuse, the infringement of free thought, speech and travel, equal protection violations, and intimidation by government entities.
Petitioners demand that the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department o f Justice cease and desist its unlawful activities against the American people which included orchestrating the January 6 incursion into the Capitol Building, embedding informants into political campaigns, entrapment schemes, illegal searches, detainments, and false testimony to gain warrants to harass, detain and search citizens and all records related to secret warrants that were used for surveillance of these citizens. We petition the release of all records related to these events to the American people. We petition that all political prisoners incarcerated from these activities be released on reasonable bail. We petition that Inspector General of the Department of Justice release all records of FISA Court abuses and that those responsible for such abuse be terminated and are immediately charged with perjury, disbarred, and investigated for Oath of Office Violations. We petition the immediate resignation of the Attorney General of the United States for conspiring with other members of the Executive Branch to intimidate and threaten, under color of law, citizens who exercised or planned to exercise their rights to redress their government.
We petition the immediate arrest of officials, doctors, and scientists for lying to congress related to their denials of participation in or funding gain of function research that resulted in the COVID 19 pandemic. Further, we petition the investigation of any person that participated in gain of function research, through direct activities, funding, or the diversion of funds to further such research, and recommend charges of genocide be brought against any such persons.
We petition the immediate arrest of government officials that participated in this genocide by intentionally spreading the virus to elderly populations in nursing homes, hostels, and retirement communities.
We petition the resignation of military leaders who agreed to abandon American Citizens in Afghanistan and further petition the court marshal of military commanders that left classified military assets, technology, or other implements of war in Afghanistan, knowing that it would be used against the people of Afghanistan, or fall into the hands of rival governments of the United States of America.
We petition the resignations of government officials and judges who used their power to usurp the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of individual states, or the election laws of these states, which resulted in massive election fraud and the election of an illegitimate President of the United States.
Therefore, we petition for the immediate resignation of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, for engaging in, directing, decreeing, and mandating these unconstitutional acts described above and conspiring against the citizens of the United States of America, and violating their oath to the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Federal government is hereby put on notice, that in United States of America, a constitutional republic form of government, of which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. We therefore petition the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights to produce and disclose all documents relevant to the claims and payments to settle claims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, gender, and other forms of discrimination by these representatives to whom the citizens have delegated their sovereign power.
We call for all free people to sign this petition as an acknowledgement that the Federal Government has no power over a citizen when it acts unconstitutionally, to suppress, intimidate, or restrict the rights acknowledged in the Constitution as the Bill of Rights, and declared in the Declaration of Independence as “self-evident” and “unalienable”, so help us God.

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