Auburn Confederate Flag incident "We have all been concerned about the Auburn City Councilman, Arthur L. Dowdell, whose lawless behavior to desecrate graves and in removing Confederate Memorial Flags from veteran's graves at Pine Hill Cemetery in Auburn, AL. Confederate veteran graves are to be lawfully respected as any other American veteran graves, according to United States Congressional Law." Alabama State Law: 3A-7-23.1, Criminal Code of Ala, 1975, provides in part: (a) Any person.........who willfully and wrongfully destroys, removes, cuts, breaks or injures any tree, shrub, plant, flower, decoration, or other real or personal property within any cemetery or graveyard shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. U.S. Federal Law 85-425 passed on May 23, 1958 states: .......the term "veteran" includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War..... The Constitution Party of Alabama demands that: 1. The Sheriff of Lee County arrest Auburn City Councilman, Arthur L. Dowdell. 2. That the Lee County District Attorney file charges. 3. That the Alabama Attorney General get legally involved, investigate and prosecute. 4. Auburn City Councilman Arthur Dowdell immediately resign from the position he currently holds Please leave all racist and threats out of your comment section. This petition is addressing the laws that were broken and the failure of the local officials to uphold Alabama's law. Thank you, Joshua Cassity