Drop the AUB Pool Age Limit
Jad Melki 0

Drop the AUB Pool Age Limit

106 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jad Melki 0 Comments
106 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Several months ago, the AUB pool banned children 6-years-old or younger from using the pool. Many AUB kids and their parents are affected by this policy. We, faculty/staff and spouses at AUB and parents of children under 6 years of age, request to let our kids use the swimming pool again! Please drop the AUB pool age limit. 1. To save lives, it is important children learn how to swim at a very young age. 2. To develop motor and perceptional skills and stay healthy, young children should exercise, as swimming helps them develop these skills and fight child obesity 3. To keep our campus child friendly, children need to have fun, and the pool is one of the few activities they can enjoy on campus. 4. To promote family activities, without excluding any family members because of their age. 5. To strengthen campus community and socialization, by permitting more parents to bring young kids to the pool, who otherwise are forced to look for alternatives to AUB gymnastic membership and pool. 6. The AUB beach only opens a few months per year. Kids can continue to enjoy swimming in the campus pool throughout the year. 7. Because the 6-year-old age limit is arbitrary and arguments support it are weak. First, the regulation that imposes parental supervision on kids 13 or younger provides ample safety measures for kids—along with the lifeguards. Second, studies show that 90% of kids are potty-trained by 36 months of age, and swimming diapers provide a safety net for accidents. Besides, don’t think that adults are cleaner. A survey of 1,000 US adults found that 20% of them admitted they you-know-what in the pool. Yes! It’s not only kids who do it. Please sign this petition and help keep ours a child friendly campus.

NOTE: This petition does not aim for a blanket repealing of regulations regarding kids in the pool. We will seek certain less restrictive regulations, for example limiting kids to a certain zone in the pool and to certain days and time slots and requiring parental supervision.


AUB Faculty and their Spouses


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