Attention Lower Hay Lake and Whitefish Chain Property Owners

Please sign our petition to prevent the rezoning of part of Driftwood Resort to Commercial.
A request for rezoning some of the former Driftwood Resort for Commercial use (a business classified as an excavating business) will be decided at an upcoming meeting of the Crow Wing County Commissioners. Some letters have been written in support of the conversion to commercial, but the Board of Directors of Friends of Lower Hay feels that a rezoning to Commercial will cause damage to the environment and permanently change the character of Lower Hay Lake, Upper Whitefish, Bertha/Clamshell Lakes and the balance of the Whitefish Chain. This was explained in more detail in the Friends of Lower Hay emails that went out on June 13th and on June 28th. To get a copy of those emails, please contact info@FriendsOfLowerHay.org
Please read the statement below and sign this petition if you agree:
I stand against the variances and zoning changes proposed by Dan Leagjeld