Kenneth Huntley 0

Attackers of Jamie Bulger should not have freedom

700 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kenneth Huntley 0 Comments
700 people have signed. Add your voice!
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What little Jamie Bulger went through when both Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, is simply horrid. At the time, these two individuals at the age of 10, brutally attacked James Bulger, to the extent that the officials would not let the mother identify him. Sign this petition to let Lady Justice Butler-Sloss know, that releasing these two individuals back into the world, should be re-thought over, that there is a high chance of a repeat offense. Let the Lady Justice know, that we want these boys to learn, that at any age, crime that hideous will never be tolerated...that they shouldn\'t be allowed a new identity or the life of freedom.


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