Atmosfera Condo Petition Letter to JMB Chairman

Attn: The Chairman, JMB atmosfera Condominium
AIM: The aim of this report is to officially inform JMB that the residents are not satisfied with the current state of security and maintenance services that is provided at Atmosfera Condominium.
Residents Observations
Residents observed the following with the local SG arrangements:
- There seems to be a compromise in respect to the lack of security provided to the residents by JMB and UPPAL.
- There are no proper uniforms issued to the SG, other than a jacket worn by some with no company logo badge sewn on the uniforms. As such the KDN Instructions for the SG uniforms were not adhered to. This further reflects some form of irregularities between JMB, Management Office and UPPAL.
- Residents have also observed the local SG sleeping at the Guard House while on duty.
- The guard posts at Block A and Block B were often left unattended or abandoned due to the apparent lack of security guards or due to sheer lax in attitude.
- This is a serious matter as this provides loop holes and jeopardises the first and last tier of security and the safety of the residents.
- It was also noticed that the local SG had been doing overtime duty frequently, due to the shortage of personnel.
- This resulted in fatigue and further compromised the quality of security services provided.
- Furthermore, due to the shortage of manpower, regular patrols of the perimeter and buildings were not carried out on a regular basis.
- It has been observed by the residents that the local SG had at times left their post to do other personal matters. This reflects on the lack of supervision and poor work attitude.
- Due to the lack of training, poor supervision and poor work attitude displayed by the SG, this has resulted that most of the local SG employed by JMB/UPPAL are incompetent in carrying out their duties.
- This is contrary to the strict regulations imposed by KDN in their letter dated 20 Dec’16, where it is mandatory for the SG to undergo the ‘Certified Security Guards (CSG) training program to enhance their competency as a trained SG.
- Residents have been caught unaware of delivery as guards do not call to inform which happened on several occasions and also being rude and disrespectful when confronting residents when there is an issue.
Over the last few weeks there have been many complaints reported by the residents with regards to the lack of the security services provided and the poor performance of the security guards employed by UPPAL AIMED GUARD SECURITY SDN BHD and JMB.
This drop in the level of security at Atmosfera apparently came about after JMB instructed UPPAL Management to REMOVE the Nepalese Security Guards as JMB would source through the Management Office for local SECURITY GUARDS.
It is believed that UPPAL Management were not happy with this ad hoc arrangement by JMB, ie. using the UPPAL Security License to recruit local personnel that are not registered by UPPAL.
This procedure is definitely not in accordance with the KDN rules and regulations.
While there may seem to be some form of ‘irregularities’ and "wrong procedures" adopted by both JMB and UPPAL, what made matters worse was the deplorable drop in standards and performance with regards to the security services provided to the residents by the local guards recommended by JMB.
Under JMBs recommendation and instructions, the local personnel selected lacked the basic prerequisites of a SG.
Overall impressions in their appearance and bearing, posture, discipline, attitude reflected their total lack in professionalism and competent as a SG.
Compounded with these shortcomings, the newly appointed local guards had no standardised uniform emphasising further that some form of ad hoc arrangements were made by JMB and the Management Office.
Currently, there seems to be two separate parties running the security at Atmosfera Condo, ie. UPPAL with the remaining 3 Nepalese SG registered under their company; and the other local SG that seem to be under some form of ‘phantom’ company. This assumption is based on observations and enquiries. The local SG who were not aware of the security company they are working for.
To summarise, the residents of Atmosfera Condominium are not at all satisfied with the current state of the security services provided and the ad hoc and unprofessional manner in which these security arrangements were made. The safety of the residents had been compromised.
It is strongly recommended that the security services and ad hoc arrangements provided by the two parties concerned be terminated immediately due to their poor performance, lack of competency and irregularities observed.
In the meantime a careful evaluation and selection process for a good and reputable security company be carried out.
Item 2.Unsatisfactory Maintenance Provided to the Residents of Atmosfera Condominium
Residents Observation
- Doors at block B carpark lift, looks dirty and worn out which require a fresh coat of paint
- Railings along the corridor at ground floor rusty
- Touch-up paint work required on wall above mail boxes and ceiling above a resident unit
- Refuse chamber door which has been broken since more than a year but not repaired or replaced.
- Missing lift buttons not replaced since months ago
- Certain areas at carpark paint work needed as walls are covered with fungal growth
- Part of plaster ceiling at block B lobby area show cracks and awaits for a mishap to happen
- Pot holes almost every parts of the lobby floor at block B
- Requested to have two sets of lights install at pick up/drop off area (block B)not looked into
- Water leakage at riser of 4th floor not solved
- Damaged or missing door knobs on emergency staircase not replaced or solution being provided
- Basketball Back Board appears to be badly damaged but after so many months not being replaced as it pose a danger to children
- Futsal artificial turf carpet badly worn.
- Overall cleanliness of the premises can be improved, especially the flooring etc.
- Landscaping needs to be handled by professionals. In certain areas the landscape has deteriorated and needs to be upgraded.
These are some of the issues which are not looked into over a period of time and we feel that maintenance of premises should be at an acceptable level, not to the standards of low cost apartments. We strongly feel we deserve better guards that are employed legitimately by a security company.
In summary, we, the residents request to have the guards changed and problems identified in maintenance being looked into immediately. Failing which, we have decided collectively to call for an EGM
Disappointed Residents of Atmosfera