Keep the Clocktower and Hideaway Communities at Atholton ES

This petition is to urge the Howard County Board of Education to leave polygons 18 and 1018 at Atholton Elementary School. First and foremost, this will be a major disruption to the childhood development of over 100 young children. This removes our polygons from Atholton, but then puts over 70 students from Guilford ES into Atholton. How does that alleviate any overcrowding at Atholton ES? It is a major disruption to our children and neighborhood, for little, if any, benefit to the schools or the school system. Leaving our polygons at Atholton would also create a more equal balance in FARMs percentage and test scores between Atholton ES and neighboring Hammond ES. If our polygon does indeed need to be moved from Atholton ES, Guilford ES is not the best option. We then support a move to Hammond ES instead of Guilford ES. The statistics provided in the Supplement to the Feasibility Study from June 2011 show Hammond's projected capacity is 597 and their projected enrollment after the proposed redistricting is 472, giving them a 79.1% capacity. Guilford, on the other hand has a projected capacity of 462, projected enrollment after redistricting is 476, putting Guilford at 103% enrollment. If they simply put polygons 18 and 1018 into Hammond ES, Hammond would be at 584, still BELOW their capacity. Furthermore, according to page 20 of the Supplement, the existing FARM percentage for Atholton ES is 22%, that number would drop to 10% with the proposed redistricting. Guilford's existing percentage is 30%, however, their number will jump to 37% if polygons 18 and 1018 were moved there. At the same time, the MSA Math scores drop from 87% to 85% and the MSA Reading scores drop from 89% to 86%. This is a weakness in this plan. Guilford ES will be over-enrolled, with a higher FARM % and lower test scores. Meanwhile, two nearby elementary schools, Atholton ES and Hammond ES will be under capacity, with lower FARM % and higher test scores. This proposal is not in the best interest of the children currently enrolled at Guilford or the children being redistricted there. In conclusion, we are asking for polygons 18 and 1018 remain at Atholton Elementary School. It is the best option for our neighborhood, and, I believe for the all of the schools involved.