ATFTC Grievances
Gary Beeler 0

ATFTC Grievances

63 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Gary Beeler 0 Comments
63 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned members in good standing of the American Toy Fox Terrier Club "Club", do hereby file this list of charges and grievances against all existing Board of Director Members, with the exception of Barbara Quast, hereafter known as the "Board" and further we ask for their immediate resignations from the Board of Directors of the ATFTC. 1. The Board led by the current President, illegally, and without due process as provided by the Club By-Laws, removed the elected National Show Chairperson only two weeks before the National Show in May, 2008. The President then accepted the position of Show Chair for the himself. 2. The Board misappropriated funds by redirecting donations and revenues from the Club annual raffle in May, 2008. The raffle was specifically advertised as a fundraiser for the Toy Fox Terrier Rescue and after the fact, the President demanded that 50% of the revenues be redirected to the Clubs general fund. 3. The Board violated the Club By-Laws by implementing and publishing a change to the By-Laws entitled "Special Rules of Order" to the Club website without due process of bringing the question before the general membership. 4. The Board violated the spirit of the ATFTC Constitution's stated purpose - promote and help local specialty clubs. Some members of the Board, without a meeting and vote, tried to cancel the Houston Specialty which had previously been approved by the AKC. 5. The Board has illegally replaced official Approved Minutes of Board meetings. The May 1, 2008 meeting minutes, after being approved and filed were replaced by altered minutes without approval or notification. 6. The Board intentionally misled the general membership at the annual Club meeting regarding club sponsored agility events. A group of members had petitioned the Board to put forth an amendment to the constitution as needed to allow Club sponsored agility events. The President declared at the annual meeting that the discussion would not be entertained because the Clubs by-laws already allowed such events under the provisions of Performance Events. AKC has since, as they did prior to the annual meeting, declared that the current Club By-Laws are not sufficient to allow agility events. 7. The current Board of Directors of the ATFTC misappropriated Club funds by recently reimbursing travel expenses for three previous Board members (two of whom are current Board members) for travel to a hearing in Las Vegas in 2006 for the sole purpose of removing the then current Treasurer. This meeting and all subsequent actions taken based on this meeting were later declared illegal and void by AKC. 8. The Board illegally tabulated the membership vote to amend the Club Constitution and By-laws in 2008 by allowing three members to count the vote instead of employing a professional firm to perform the count as the Club By-Laws demanded at the time. Further, no record of the membership vote count was maintained by the Board. 9. The Board conducted the annual ATFTC election in a manner not consistent with the Club bylaws. The following are the noted discrepancies: a. ATFTC bylaws Section 4d) ..a ballot listing all of the nominees for each position in alphabetical order, with the names of the states in which they reside... The Secretary did not list the nominees in alphabetical order nor the names of the states. b. One nominee by petition was left off of the ballot. The reason stated by the President for this action is unacceptable and inconsistent with the Club By-Laws. c. The manner in which the President chose to elect the 1 year term Board members in fact appears to be an appointment by the President in that those two nominees are not listed on the ballot. ATFTC bylaws Section 3a) ..The nominated candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected.... All Board members are up for election, the 2 year terms should go to the three nominees with the most votes, the 1 year terms to the next two nominees. All are to be elected by the membership. d. ATFTC By-laws Section 3a) ...Ballots shall be counted by three inspectors of election who are members in good standing and neither members of the current Board nor candidates on the ballot (provided, however, that the Board may designate an independent professional firm to send, receive and count the ballots.... The Board chose a church listed as a religious organization (not professional firm nor club members) to count the ballots. As stated in the bylaw had they chosen a professional firm that firm would send, receive, and count the ballots. Several members in good standing, many of those signing below, have made numerous attempts to communicate with this Board and gain clarification on actions taken to no avail. The Board has consistently refused to offer explanations of their actions or to communicate with the membership at large. Based on the above, we the membership of the American Toy Fox Terrier Club hereby petition for the immediate resignation of all current Board Members with the exception of Barbara Quast.

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