ASU Bike Lanes Now!

I am beginning this petition in hopes of changing/enhancing the "walk your wheels" campaign as a method for easing congestion on campus. Most folks ride their bikes across campus to save time in some form or another. Therefore, walking bicycles will not aid in this endeavor. I propose bicycle lanes along the major thoroughfares (ex. Palm Walk, Cady Mall, Forest Mall, Orange Mall) in order to direct traffic in a coordinated manner. Directional pedestrian lanes could also be helpful (as could staggering class times...). Most other college campuses include this feature and it only makes sense for ASU. With all of the efforts to increase sustainability on campus, this is the logical next step. All it would take is a bit of planning and some (eco friendly?) paint. Thanks for considering my petition! By the way, here is an article describing bike lanes on campuses. http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/science/article/pii/S0967070X02000288