ASU Against 5/5

Instructors in the ASU English
Department are valuable professionals who service the English Department, the
university, and the students in positive ways.
In the English department we provide necessary department service that adds to
both the visibility of and impact of the English Department within the
university. Instructors serve on committees, create and execute community
engagement events, acts as mentors to new Instructors and TAs, teach required
courses, build curriculum, support digital innovation, and foster
interdisciplinary instruction and collaboration.
For the students and the university, we offer retention support services for
the college's most at risk populations: first-year students, international
students, and "remedial" students. Because our courses are designed to
foster close relationships with students, we have the ability to see the signs
of "unstable" or "troubled" students before the these
students become a concern to themselves, their success, and/or the university.
Furthermore, we act as mentors often providing students counseling and mental
support (or referrals to counseling). Many of our Instructors have answered the
call of ASU to innovate and create changemakers, and as a result, we design
curriculum that allows students to create meaningful and innovative projects
that will represent both the university and the students as being dynamic.
However, the instructor value to the university, English Department, and
students is being diminished. Please visit our website for details.
Currently the instructors teach a 4/4 load (80% teach, 20% service/professional
development). To deal with the ASU English Department’s budgeting issues, Instructors
have been asked to begin teaching a 5/5, 100% teaching load, beginning in the
fall of 2015. We believe this is unfair and untenable. Current Instructor jobs
are valued at $14,000 under the national average, and adding increased workload
without additional pay places a heavy burden on one of the most exploited ranks
of ASU English Faculty. Furthermore, as our jobs entail teaching most of the
Freshman class, we believe that upping the courseload and workload will
tremendously impact the ability for Instructors to deliver personal,
process-based, one-on-one writing instruction to students. This, we believe
will have an impact on students’ success and retention rates.
Please sign this petition to support Instructors ability to maintain a 4/4 (80% teaching, 20% service and professional development) load. While this doesn't improve the Instructor job (which is currently paid $14,000 under the national average), supporting ASU Instructors fight against exploitation is a step in the right direction. We believe this is the only way instructors can truly be effective colleagues, mentors, leaders, and innovators.