ASTC: Automatically Close Known Problem Laneways
Lance Thomsen 0

ASTC: Automatically Close Known Problem Laneways

44 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lance Thomsen 0 Comments
44 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the undersigned are proposing that ASTC Automatically close a Laneway after 3 verified reports to Police of Criminal &/or AntiSocial Behaviour. We apparently live in a civilised country, you would not know this. This Testimonial from Ellen Faulkenberg of Alice Springs sums up our thoughts perfectly: "We have a lane way next to our house & we have constant issues. Being first home owners we were so excited buying our first house before we were 20, until our second night when a group of teenagers threw glass bottles at our house & cars from the alley way & took off down there when we came out front. We have people walking down there at all hours of the night kicking our fence & throwing rubbish in our yard. Every weekend I have to do a clean up along the fence as there is rubbish, alcohol bottles, broken glass, & such.. Not to mention the graffiti we get along our fence. We also get cars driving down the alleyway and motorbikes.. Having this alleyway next to our house makes us feel unsafe... Every noise I hear at night wakes me up since someone attempted breaking into our house by jumping our fence from the alleyway, I haven't slept all night since moving in here.. They are dark and unsafe and NEED TO GO!! I understand that people use them to get to & from places but honestly it takes a couple more minutes getting to the end of the street... Most cities have closed down all there alleyways so why can't we? Lets reduce crime in Alice Springs by eliminating the obvious!!"

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