Ask the NRHA board of directors to keep their stricter drug policy

TheNRHA National Reining Horse Association recently adopted a drug policy that basically states anything more than an aspirin or 2 can not be used to get your horse sound enough to show.
That good work could be reversed if nothing is done as a group of top professionals have proposed a change to that stricter drug policy that would allow them to administer any type or amount of drug as long as it is FDA approved for equine use and is prescribed by a veterinarian. Basically anything goes get the horse sound so we can show it.
Until recently the NRHA had no rules limiting the amounts or type of drugs that could be administered to horses for purpose of showing them in reining competitions.
Many times if a horse was too sore they could be given drugs to mask the pain and they could be shown anyway! This proposal by the top riders could take the sport back to the time of anything goes.
You do not need to be a member of the NRHA to sign this petition as we wish to show a desire in the general public that says no to drugs in the horse athletes the same as the human athletes.
we will take this petition to the NRHA showing that public opinion if enough signatures are gained.