![Ashe Prep Parent Demands](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/14.webp)
Ashe Prep Parent Demands
First topic of discussion is the catalyst of the meeting. 6th Grade parents came to find out that the BOD was meeting to discuss the dissolution of 6th grade. A general overview from the parents spoke to the following:
- Staff are leaving
- Principle is teaching classes
- IEP’s were not obtained until this week
- Unfilled jobs
- Staff have inadequate planning time
- Classroom behavior is not well managed
- Lack of communication from Ashe has broken trust with families
- Parents are actively looking for alternative education for their children often at increased cost and trauma to the children.
- Lack of staff creates large class sizes
- Parents are unhappy with the quality of learning that their children are receiving often sending their children to school with work to complete during the school day.
- Teachers are literally unhealthy
- Parents are aware that the board has legal counsel and some are confident that this protects the 6th grade class.
- Parents are encouraged to read the Ashe charter which outlines the responsibilities that the institution is now legally obligated to provide.
- Injuries are not reported in a documented, systematic way.
- Teacher Demand Letter was sent to Dr. Sullivan with teacher demands on TUESDAY WITH DEMAND DEADLINE OF FRIDAY (DATES NEEDED)
- How many students need to stay to keep Ashe Prep open?
- Is the school in legal compliance with its charter?
- What is the immediate plan to implement IEP’s?
- What is the budget?
- How much money per kid is available?
- How can parents teach workshops?
The conversation was passionate and free flowing and introduced the following questions for the BOD:
Parents expressed a vested interest in the school combined with an urgency to turn things around. There were many solutions hinted to in the discussion and parents are interested in working with Ashe Prep to find those solutions. We spoke to the wealth of knowledge in our community and the fact that we can fill any gaps when we know what they are. The following demands are from parents to Ashe Prep administration and board. The primary demands and the dates they are to be met are as follows:
Monday September 30,2019
- Present a plan for classes that are missing teachers
- Hire an agency or independent consultant to fill employee vacancies. In the following areas:
- Missing Elementary Education Teachers
- Special Education Teacher
- Special Education Para Educators
- Support Staff for the Director of Operations
- STEAM Teachers
- Accommodate teacher demands especially the following:
- Four hours per week of paid curriculum time
- Regular breaks
- Para educator support staff
- Create a safer environment by:
- Training (or scheduling within one month of the deadline) all staff in CPR/First Aid
- Utilize a standard accident and incident report with HIPPA compliant record keeping.
- Utilize systems to keep children safe by better managing parent volunteers.
- Have a clear partnership with transportation to include
- Accident and incident reports
- Student health information sharing (asthma, epi-pen, insulin etc.)
Friday October 4, 2019
Additional demands soon to follow:
- Budget Transparency
- A weekly learning update from each teacher with family learning activities.
- A teacher mentorship program for Ashe Prep teachers with experienced community educators.
- Restorative justice and positive discipline partnerships.
- Creation of a parent volunteer contract and program.
- Strong community partnerships to fill the needs of the school.
These meeting notes have been shared with and signed by parents that are willing to work with the school to meet these demands.
By signing below, we agree that this is an accurate summary of the conversation that was had on the date and at the time and location listed. By signing below, we acknowledge and agree to present these demands to the Board of Directors and administration of Ashe Preparatory Academy on the 30th day of September 2019. If these demands are not met by the dates herein, parents are requesting a transition plan for students and tutoring services to get children caught up and transitioned smoothly into adequate learning environments.