Arrest Eric Boyer's murderer now!!!
Kellie Graves Illinois 0

Arrest Eric Boyer's murderer now!!!

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kellie Graves Illinois 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Eric Boyer,Waterloo, Illinois, was stabbed 5 times on Thursday July 17, 2014 and died later that night from the stab wounds. The police arrested the man who stabbed him, placedhimin theMonroe Countyjailbut the following day theMonroe County State's Attorney determined that he was to be released pending an investigation.

This petition is to demand that Eric's murderer be arrested and put in jail, where he belongs, while the investigation is on-going. The Monroe County State's Attorneyshould also be reprimanded for releasing him in this situation! There is no reason to allow this man to walk around free, especially while the family is in mourningand in shock over thedeath of their loved one who died violently from being stabbed 5 times! Where is the justice???? We are demanding this now!!!!!

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