My husband and I took our 4 of our children for a fun night of toboganning on Armour Hil, Peterborough, ON. Started out good until my 10 year old son who has Autism and is unable to control the direction of his sled riquoshede at top speed off a side tree with his head. I am registering and circulating this petition to have bumper rails installed on both sides of the Amour Hill tobogan hill. My son was renderd uncontious and suffered a seizure and damaged shoulder as well as a few major hits to the skull. Thankfully he is OK and healing great, but we are very lucky, at the speed he was going it should have killed him!! I do not want to see this happen to another child EVER...so please help us and leave your signature:) Maybe someone will take notice and do something about making this wonderful hill a safer place for families to play. Thank you and God bless <3