Armley immigation
Please sign up if you feel there is an issue with some of the immigrants and the way these people are conducting themselves in Armley.
I am not adverse to bring in people to boost the local economy, However a large amount of these people appear not to work then hang around in large groups drinking and behaving anti-socially on our local high street and street corners day and night.
People are intimidated, and now the high street is suffering. It is a mess!! It is full or people drinking and acting anti-socially, littering intimidating people etc.
Over the past few days i have spoken to lots of people about this issue to get a feel for what people think. Everyone from pensioners teenagers, shop keepers and most of the local community feel the same they are sick of the same problem and sick of going to meetings and been made to feel like a racist or a trouble causer.
Police (several offices) have told me that they are more than aware of the issues however not enough people are making it known or pushing it which means nothing can really be done. Due to our local councillors Armley seems to be the dumping ground for Leeds west. As an Armley man I do not think it is fair to the community or these people to just dump them here and not invest money and time in the community which has now been ripped apart.
By signing up you you adding to the power of the people and our power to bring back our community. I am Armley born and breed and feel so disappointed in what has happened. Old people should not feel scared to leave their homes, people should be able to walk their dogs, and people should be able to walk down the street with out feeling fearful.
Why do these people not try to become part of the community?. Instead they segregate themselves and make people uncomfortable. Why is there no programme in place to help these people integrate and add to our the community?
I truly believe that the community in Armley has been smashed to pieces, as to many people have moved in to fast. We need action to turn it back round. I am not saying kick these's people out. I am saying impost order and help them to integrate into the community.